4 Defensive Driving Tips That Save Lives
You don’t drive aggressively and you observe all driving laws. If this describes you, then you should feel good about your driving. However, a serious driving accident may still be in your future. Why? Because other motorists who don’t drive as well as you may involve you in an accident.
Bicyclists, children and pedestrians exercising poor judgment can also get you into an accident. In short, driving a car is a dangerous activity that requires a defensive mindset on your part. Stay safe by following these four defensive driving tips.
Actively Use Your Mind
Never drive on autopilot or become complacent. This leaves you wide open to the unexpected. Driving on autopilot means you won’t anticipate a child chasing a ball in front of your car, or a motorist running a red light as you pull into an intersection. Always actively watch the road and anticipate danger before it’s too late.
Properly Position Your Car in Traffic
This means allowing enough road space in front so that you have plenty of time to react to the traffic ahead. It also means staying out of packs of cars on multilane highways. One wrong move by any of the drivers in the pack can cause a chain reaction accident. Stay ahead or well behind these clumps of cars.
Make Sure That Others Can See You
Don’t linger in the blind spots of other vehicles. You know you’re in one if you can’t see the driver’s face in their mirrors. When a motorist, bicyclist or pedestrian looks like they might enter the road too closely in front of you, use your horn. When the distance is too short or the person hasn’t looked your way, then they aren’t aware of you.
Avoid Distractions
These include distractions both inside and outside of your car. Don’t allow gadgets or other passengers to distract your attention from your driving. If a police car has pulled another motorist to the side of the road or if there’s an accident in the opposite lane, your attention to the road must remain unaffected. If you have a pressing concern, don’t allow your thoughts to wander from the driving task at hand.
Obeying the rules of the road is only half the battle. Drive actively and defensively to ensure that you get to your destination safely.
We’ve got your back while on the road. Call Educators Insurance at 888-908-6822 for more information on auto insurance.
Categories: Auto Insurance