Protecting Your Car in the Spring
As spring starts with gusto, many new dangers arise for your car. Pollen brings allergies, but it also brings acidity that can rub the paint from your car. Although you don’t have to deal with a ton of snow and ice like in winter, you should prepare for threats that spring poses.
Inspect Your Vehicle
Make sure to inspect the air filters in both your engine and cabin to make sure they’re not clogged with pollen or anything else. Your windshield washer fluid should also be filled to clear away any pollen, bugs or dirt from your windshield.
Keep it Clean
In general, keep the outside of your vehicle clean to keep pollen from sticking and scratching. Pollen appears as yellow dust coating your vehicle. It can be easily rinsed off with plain water and should be rinsed as often as possible. Also keep your windshield wipers clean to prevent pollen from building up.
Keep it Covered
When not in use, keep your vehicle in a garage or under a car cover. Not only can this keep away pollen, but it can also lower damage and messes due to bugs, leaves and birds. If you live in an apartment that offers covered parking, take advantage of it as often as possible. While it may not protect against pollen, it can protect against falling rocks or trees or other environmental threats, such as well.
Wax Your Car
If your vehicle hasn’t already been waxed—or even if it has—consider adding a layer of wax. Wax serves as a protective layer over your vehicle’s paint that can prevent scratches from things such as pollen. Use quality wax over your vehicle’s paint to protect it from possible damage.
Understand Your Insurance Coverage
Protecting your vehicle is just as important as having the right car insurance policy because not everything is covered under car insurance. Comprehensive coverage, for example, covers damages caused by almost anything except collisions. It doesn’t cover everything, however. The chances are, your comprehensive car insurance won’t cover damage due to pollen. As spring approaches, reevaluate your car insurance policy to make sure you have the right amount of coverage.
Every season presents its own dangers for cars, whether it be internal or external. At the beginning of each season, conduct a thorough inspection of your vehicle and replace or fix whatever needs to be adjusted.
Categories: Auto Insurance