5 Tips for Kicking Bad Driving Habits
Everyone makes a few mistakes from time to time, but kicking bad driving habits can save you money. You may be able to avoid fines for a ticket. You may also be able to keep your auto insurance rates low. How can you kick those bad habits you are not proud of?
#1: Pay Attention to What Is Around You
Nearly all accidents occur because of some level of distraction. A person did not see the other car pull out in front of them. You did not see the tree and hit it. No matter the details, being a vigilant driver can help you avoid costly mistakes. Avoiding accidents of any type means your car insurance rates will not climb for this reason.
#2: Using Your Phone While Driving
Texting, reading a message, looking at social media or talking on a cell phone while driving is a high-risk situation. It is hard to put off looking at your messages, but even when you stop at a light, you should avoid touching your phone. Doing so can help you avoid life-threatening situations.
#3: Speeding, Just a Little
Everyone is busy. You have a lot to do in a single day. You may think driving five or 10 miles over the limit can help you avoid a few lights and get you where you need to be sooner. It is unlikely that will happen in most cases. Speeding of any type is dangerous and could put you and your loved ones at risk.
#4: Not Signaling Before You Turn
Signaling during driving helps keep you safe. It also ensures other drivers know what your plans are. This can help to minimize accidents. It also can reduce the risks of angering other drivers trying to get around you. Turn on your signal about half a block from when you need to turn.
#5: Driving Tired
When you need sleep, get it or avoid driving. Being even a bit sleepy behind the wheel can create a dangerous situation for you. It limits your body’s reaction time. It can create a situation in which you simply cannot react soon enough to avoid an accident. You are also likely to speed when tired.
Can you improve these driving habits? Making a concerted effort to do so can help you save your life. It can also help to keep your car insurance rates lower. Auto insurance rates tend to be lower for safe drivers.
Categories: Auto Insurance