Does the Color of Your Car Really Matter?
When you buy car insurance, your insurance company considers many factors before determining rates. They usually take into consideration your age, your driving record and how far you drive.
Many people also believe that insurance rates also consider the color of your car.
Auto insurance companies are color blind
The truth is, the color of your car doesn’t affect the rate you pay for your car insurance. In fact, when you call to get a quote for insurance, the agent will likely not ask you for the color of your car. It’s simply irrelevant.
Myths associated with car colors
At one time, a widely-spread myth was about drivers who owned certain red vehicles. The myth said that people who owned red cars pay more for auto insurance.
It’s understandable that this myth persists due to many sporty cars donning the vibrant color. This isn’t true. Sports car owners may pay more simply because sports cars are different from other vehicles. They often have expensive equipment.
Another myth is that the red catches police officers’ attention more than other colors. Therefore, insurance rates are higher. However, yellow cars are bright too, but there’s no myth about them.
Facts about car colors
In the United States, the most popular car colors are black and white. Over a third of the population that drives in the United States drive a black car.
Nearly 20 percent of the population owns a white car. Based on those numbers over half the drivers in the United States own either a black or white car. In fact, the color red only ranks sixth on the list of popular car colors.
Be at ease when you buy a vehicle. Purchase the color you like best because it doesn’t impact your car insurance at all. To reduce the cost of your insurance, focus on driving safely to avoid car accidents.
If you have questions about MA auto insurance, we’re here to help you.
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Categories: Auto Insurance