Giving back this Thanksgiving
Characterized not by gift giving or a crazy retail shopping season, but rather by coming together with your closest friends and family, Thanksgiving is a favorite holiday for many people. The holiday has something for everyone; whether it’s the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, a full day of football or, for the chefs of the family, the “joy” of getting up before the sun rises to put the turkey in the oven!
Another great aspect of this holiday is that it offers a wide variety of ways to give back to your community and to those around you who may not have the opportunity to experience a warm and happy Thanksgiving. Below are a few ideas on how you can get involved and help this holiday season.
Road Races: It is very common for towns to host road races on Thanksgiving morning. These races are a great way to be up and active early in the day and to give back to the community. Generally the proceeds from registrations are donated to a charitable cause.
Volunteer at a Shelter: Local shelters, soup kitchens and food pantries tend to become extra busy around the holiday season due to an increase in both donations and people seeking services. Taking an afternoon with your spouse and the kids is a nice way to help others while also spending some quality time together. Visit www.volunteermatch.org to match your interests with a local organization looking for volunteers.
Classroom Can Drive: Organizing a class or school-wide can drive offers kids their own special way to help this time of year. Setting a class goal for how many items you want to collect and reporting out a daily update will help keep them engaged and motivated throughout the drive.
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