November 6, 2014
Thomas RotellaHope for the best. Prepare for the worst

October 28, 2014
Thomas RotellaTrick or Treating safety tips

October 21, 2014
Thomas RotellaYou can never have too much fun

October 13, 2014
Thomas RotellaOne call a year keeps the worry away

October 7, 2014
Thomas RotellaGet the look for less

September 30, 2014
Thomas RotellaComprehensive auto insurance

September 22, 2014
Thomas RotellaRenting your home with AirBnB? Read this first.

September 15, 2014
Thomas RotellaHitting the highway with motorcycle insurance

September 9, 2014
Thomas RotellaSlip, skid and fall

September 1, 2014
Thomas RotellaFall into fun: Our 15 favorite seasonal activities