Storing Boats and Other Summer Toys
As the weather begins to cool down, it’s time to think about how you’ll store your summer toys for the winter. This is especially true about boats, but can also apply to jet skis or motorcycles. Your storage method directly correlates to the safety of your motorized toys, which can also affect your insurance premiums.
The main concerns with storage of boats and other summer toys are theft, vandalism and weather damage. You’ll want to consider these risks when planning a method of storage. And of course, another consideration is indoor vs. outdoor storage.
Indoor Storage
This is deemed by far the safest option, if it’s at your disposal. Indoor storage may mean a marine storage facility for boats, or your garage for jet skis and motorcycles. When your vehicles are locked behind a closed door, there’s a lower risk of them becoming damaged during the off-season. Ensure that they’re properly prepared and cleaned before storage to prevent mishaps during the months of down time. You may wish to choose an alarmed storage facility or ensure that your home’s alarm is connected to your garage for extra protection.
Outdoor Storage
There are plenty of precautions you can use to help protect your vehicles if they’re stored outside. For boats, install a marine alarm, remove personal assets and lock all cabin doors. For smaller vehicles, keep them covered with a high-quality, well-fitted cover made out of a breathable material and designed for that specific vehicle. When possible, keep vehicles in a well-lit area and check on them regularly to monitor for damages.
Call Educators Insurance Agency at 888.908.6822 to ensure you have the right protection for your summer toys.
LC 2016-377
Categories: Boat Insurance