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Auto Insurance

August 13, 2015

Summer driving safety tips

When the sun finally starts to heat up the North East of the United States, we New Englanders begin to emerge from our homes and become eager to do anything and everything outside.  Summer time is perfect to do all the exploring and day trips...
May 19, 2015

Best smartphone apps for your car

It’s hard to keep up with the ever-changing technology available on our smartphones. Nowadays, there’s an app for almost any task you need to complete. When it comes to your car, it’s no exception. Whether it’s an app that r...
April 2, 2015

Massachusetts Drivers: turn on your headlights

Car headlights are an essential safety precaution, and we all know to turn them on when it’s dark outside in order to see where we are driving. However, a recent law, M.G.L. c. 85, § 15, which takes effect on April 7, 2015 in Massachuse...
February 18, 2015

Distracted driving

Car accidents happen all the time. As your insurance agent, we are here to help guide you when selecting coverage to protect yourself and your family in these unexpected events. We also aim to educate members on preventive measures that can decreas...

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