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January 7, 2014

Insuring new holiday purchases

Was Santa good to you last month? Did Hanukkah bring a little more glitter into your life this fall? If sizeable purchases were made, now is a good time to reevaluate your insurance coverages and Educators Insurance Agency can help. Think about wha...
January 3, 2014

Winter driving safety

Here in Massachusetts, we pride ourselves on knowing how to drive in all the different types of weather Mother Nature sends our way. Wet leaves? Harsh road glare? Downed power lines? We see it all — and sometimes, all in one day. Winter driving...
January 2, 2014

Our New Year’s Resolutions

While you don’t need a single, special day to kick off big changes, here at Educators Insurance Agency we look to the start of a new year as an opportunity to begin new habits. But according to a University of Scranton study, fewer than 10% o...
December 28, 2013

Treat yourself over the holidays – Part 2

Earlier this month, we concentrated on the small moments of focus and fitness you can bring into your day to ensure this holiday season brings you joy, too. Today, we’re looking at inexpensive opportunities you can enjoy to add one last treat...
December 24, 2013

Celebrating the Celtics

After enjoying a long baseball season and cheering our “boys of summer” through the fall, the family here at Educators Insurance Agency is excited for pigskin — and basketball too. With any sport comes statistics, the domain of an...
December 21, 2013

Blizzard preparation

Time to batten down the hatches. Maybe your school announced an early dismissal or they’ve already started to plan for closing later this week. You’ve heard the weather reports and they aren’t good — but fortunately, here in N...
December 19, 2013

Our favorite winter day trips

Do the shorter days and tumbling temperatures make you want to hibernate at home for the winter? We can relate — but here at Educators Insurance Agency, we’re trying to celebrate the season too! We gathered inspiration with some of our ...
December 17, 2013

Tips for a safer holiday season

The holidays give us a time to come together with friends and family. Here at Educators Insurance Agency, we see the wonderful benefits of time with family, school breaks and winter sports. Unfortunately, we also confront many potential pitfalls of ...
December 13, 2013

Surviving the holiday season

Have you heard one too many “ra-pa-pum-pums” already this season? While the holidays give us time to reconnect with friends and family, we’re ready to beat back the holiday clichés with fresh ways to keep our favorite flavor...
December 11, 2013

Preventing frozen pipes

While the weather outside is frightful, it’s the impact inside your home that can be truly scary. This time of year, water and low temperatures can combine to challenge even the most careful homeowners. At Educators Insurance Agency, we often ...

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