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Home Insurance

June 25, 2024

Understanding Home Insurance: Coverage and Perils

Home insurance, also known as homeowners insurance, is a versatile and often essential type of coverage that can be crucial to financially protecting residences and their inhabitants. These policies frequently combine various personal insurance protections that may be crucial in managing the aftermath of unexpected accidents or incidents. What Is Covered Under Home Insurance? Homeowners […]
February 7, 2022

How to Save on Home Insurance

Home insurance is required if you have a mortgage on your home, but that does not mean you can’t find ways to save money on your homeowners insurance policy. Here are several ways you can pay a lower price for great coverage. 1. Ask. You never ...
December 15, 2021

10 Tips For Saving On Your Home Insurance

policy.  Improve safety. A hard-wired fire system that alerts the fire department can also earn you some money off your premium.  Review your policy annually. You may be payi...
October 7, 2021

Gutter Cleaning Protects Your Home

Gutter cleaning does not sound like a weekend chore anyone is excited to do. Yet, it's an important chore every homeowner should do or hire someone to do twice a year. Why? Because gutters get clogged, which can result in significant damage to your h...
August 13, 2021

Will Home Insurance Pay to Remove a Tree from a Yard?

Storms are one of the most common causes of damage to a home. Even in a small windstorm, a tree limb can land on your home or fence and create thousands of dollars of damage.   In many situations, your home insurance is available to help cover ...
June 1, 2021

Home Insurance and Other Structures

If you look around your neighborhood, you might see sheds, gazebos, swimming pools and fences. Have you ever wondered if those structures are included in your home insurance policy?  The answer depends on your policy. These are considered other...
April 22, 2021

Upgrade Your Insurance When You Upgrade Your Home

Every homeowner should keep up with their home’s necessary improvements. This can include safety upgrades as well as cosmetic remodeling. Any major changes can affect your home insurance policy and your coverage should be adjusted to suit the c...
February 15, 2021

Cash Value Homeowners Insurance

Protecting your biggest investment—your home—is crucial, but it can also be costly. If you are considering buying a house but are worried about expensive premiums, you may want to consider a more affordable cash-value policy.   ...
December 31, 2020

Why Fire Alarms Will Lower Home Insurance Premiums

  No home, anywhere, is immune to fire risks. A house fire might arise at any time, triggered by anything from a kitchen accident to a problem in your home’s wiring. However, the results will always be costly, no matter how severe the fire...
October 29, 2020

How Does a Home Insurance Deductible Work?

If you are buying a new home, you may wonder how a deductible actually works for home insurance. In short, a home insurance deductible is a set amount you must pay before receiving compensation for a home insurance claim.  Say your insured home...

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