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Home Insurance

August 28, 2020

Why Did My Home Insurance Premiums Go Up if I Didn’t File a Claim?

There are many factors that can influence your home insurance rate and cause unexpected changes, even if you don’t file a claim. A huge reason your home insurance costs may go up is changes to the home. Renovations and upgrades can raise the v...
July 8, 2020

Understanding Home Insurance Terminology

To any new homeowner, home insurance can be confusing and intimidating. There are hundreds of insurance providers offering policies, but comparing quotes and coverages means little when the jargon is hard to understand. Here are a few common terms ...
December 31, 2019

Understanding the 80% Rule for Homeowners Insurance

Insurance is a confusing business with multiple facets, rules and nuances. Home insurance is one necessity that has more complicated rules. When considering an insurance policy, it’s important to understand the 80% rule in home insurance. In so...
October 1, 2019

Protecting Your Roof from Damage

Your roof goes through a lot. Rain, wind, snow, ice, hot, cold - it’s the shield that protects the rest of your home from the elements. But even shields aren’t invincible. It’s no secret that your roof will need repairs or replaceme...
June 28, 2019

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Bed Bugs

A bed bug is about the size of an apple seed. Even though they are so small, they are damaging and dangerous pests that can be very hard to get rid of. If you have bed bugs, your first step should be to speak to an exterminator. Then, learn about the...
April 15, 2019

How to help prevent clothes dryer fires

Clothes dryer fires can happen when lint from your laundry builds up in the dryer or in the exhaust duct itself. If lint blocks the air flow, it can cause heat to build up, resulting in a fire. In fact, according to the U.S. Consumer Producer Safety...
March 6, 2019

Tips for Preventing Frozen Pipes

Winter in New England comes with snow, ice and other weather that isn’t so nice - like extremely cold temperatures. When temperatures drop, pipes in your home are more likely to freeze. Frozen pipes are a top risk of property damage when ...
December 11, 2018

Prepare your home for winter

Winter is right around the corner. That usually means skiing, hot cocoa and lots of snow and ice. Before winter weather hits, it’s important to get your home ready to withstand the harsh conditions. Making home maintenance a priority beforehan...
May 29, 2018

Understanding the difference between your home’s market value versus replacement cost

Your home is where you sleep, where you feel the safest and where you keep your valuables and personal belongings. Yet more than half of homes in the U.S. are underinsured according to estimates by Marshall & Swift/Boeckh. This may be because ho...
September 29, 2017

Increase the value of your home with these small renovations.

  More and more Americans are choosing to remodel their existing homes instead of moving. It seems like everyone is watching home improvement shows that reveal gorgeous – but costly – renovations. There are a lot of little fixes tha...

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