Getting smart with renters insurance
As an MTA member, you know you can count on Educators Insurance to help with your insurance needs— and those of your family— through all stages of your life. In today’s economy, many of our customers turn to us for insurance reasons they never expected, and we’re happy to respond with solutions that fit their needs. Renters insurance is one way we serve members and their families.
Increasingly, we see members and families who may rent an apartment or short-term housing while they continue to search for a new home or work with a builder to design a custom home. Educators Insurance works with them to fill that gap and help ensure their property and possessions are appropriately insured in the interim, until they move into a new home.
Our agents often assist in reevaluating premiums as well. Consider one common situation: we often see members who decide to move and clean out their homes before staging and (hopefully!) selling them. They hold a few garage sales, donate unneeded furniture and that extra TV and finally see a bit more open space in the living room. That’s terrific — and often cause to reevaluate coverage and possibly save money.
After selling, our members may move into a short-term apartment while they finalize the purchase of their new home. It’s time to transition from homeowners insurance to renters insurance. Again, our advisors can help you determine the right type and level of insurance to meet your needs — all before moving again. While we may not be able to help carry boxes home to home, you can count on us to do the heavy lifting when it comes to evaluating policies and helping you crunch the numbers.
In other cases, our members aren’t going anywhere — but maybe your son or daughter is heading off to college and into an off-campus apartment. For the first time, your child may not be covered by your insurance, but with a new laptop, cell phone, gaming system and hundreds of dollars in books, renters insurance may be exactly the thing they need. Just as we work with you, your agent at Educators can work with your student to help him evaluate and determine the right level of coverage to protect his property.
What’s your situation? Are you renting an apartment or seeing off a family member into their first apartment? Let us help to ensure your experience is a good one and your property is protected against loss.
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