Overcome road rage for lane courtesy month
Massachusetts is a state widely known for its road rage, which makes it important for all of us to take caution in getting involved with aggressive driving. Road rage can lead to injury and threatening situations. For this year’s lane courtesy month, we want to provide you with a few simple ways to overcome potential road rage while driving.
- Remind yourself that your own safety is at stake
Aggressive driving isn’t just dangerous to others on the road; it is also dangerous to you. If you begin to feel that someone else’s road rage is putting you at risk, be the bigger person and call the police so they can handle the situation. Safe driving starts with your own mindset and caution.
- Use relaxation techniques
If you begin to feel that your anger is overcoming you, try some relaxation techniques to remind yourself that everyone makes mistakes. For example, focus on your breathing to relieve stress, listen to peaceful music and make sure your air conditioning is on so you can more easily keep your cool.
- Take care of yourself at all times, not just while driving
Hunger and a lack of sleep are directly linked to a short temper. Make sure that you get enough sleep and keep snacks in the car so you are less likely to snap if another driver cuts you off or drives aggressively.
If you do find yourself in a road rage induced accident, remember that your Educators Insurance consultants are always here to talk through your next steps. Educators wants you to feel safe knowing that you have the proper coverage you need while operating a vehicle.
LC 2017 – 291
Categories: Auto Insurance