Renew your insurance knowledge
The end of the year will be here before we know it, and during this time many will be reviewing and renewing their insurance policies with their agents. To make sure you are prepared for your renewal, here are some tips to keep in mind so you can be confident your insurance is right for you.
Premium: When your agent refers to your premium, he or she is talking about the price of your policy; the full amount that needs to be paid over the lifetime of the policy. Most carriers offer several payment structures, so be sure to ask about your options to find the plan that’s the best fit for you.
Deductibles: This is the amount you must pay toward your loss when you file a claim. When choosing your deductible amount keep in mind how much money you consistently have saved and can spare. Once you’ve determined what makes sense for you, be sure to choose a deductible that doesn’t exceed that amount. When your insurance company pays for a claim, they will issue a check minus your deductible amount.
Declarations Page: Once your policy renews, we advise you to request a copy of your declarations page be sent to you via mail or e-mail. Your declarations page outlines for you exactly what coverages you have and it is important to have on file in the event you have questions or concerns regarding your policy.
These are just a few things to keep in mind before your next renewal. If you have any questions regarding your personal policies, call Educators Insurance Agency today. The licensed insurance professionals of EIA are available to help advise you regardless of which carrier you choose.
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