Seatbelt Safety Tips
Despite many years of encouraging drivers and passengers to wear seatbelts, there are still 13 percent of people who don’t regularly buckle up, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). But wearing a seatbelt is not always enough; it’s important that you’re wearing your seatbelt correctly once it’s fastened. Having the right fit can make a huge difference when it comes to your protection.
The NHTSA suggests that your shoulder harness be worn across your shoulder and chest with minimal slack. Don’t wear it under your arm or behind your back, as this could contribute to serious internal injuries if you experience a crash. Make sure the lap belt is snug and low across your hips.
Once you’ve set an example by wearing your seatbelt, it’s critical that your children follow your lead. How do you determine when your child is ready to move from the booster seat into a seatbelt? Here’s a tip: a child who is able to keep his back against the vehicle seat with his or her feet flat on the floor and knees bent over the edge of the seat, is big enough to wear a seatbelt. If you’re in doubt, check the state’s requirement for age, size and weight for children and seatbelts.
Call Educators Insurance today at 888.284.7646 to help make sure that you and your family are properly covered and don’t forget to always wear your seatbelt.
LC 2016-124
Categories: Auto Insurance