The Best Methods for Avoiding Potholes
Potholes are more than just a nuisance while driving; in some cases they can actually cause quite a bit of damage to your car. Hitting a deep pothole—or even a shallow one at a bad angle or too fast—can lead to tire damage, alignment issues and other problematic forms of vehicle deterioration.
But how do dangerous holes form in our roadways? After years of continual traffic and weather patterns, small cracks can develop in the pavement. Once water seeps into the cracks, it can start corroding the concrete. If that water freezes, it expands and causes the cracks to grow wider. This distress eventually leads to potholes of all shapes and sizes.
To prevent damage to your car, the best thing to do is avoid driving over potholes. You should know what to watch for and be familiar with how you can decrease the risk of damage if a pothole cannot be avoided. Consider the following tips.
- If the pothole is in the center of a lane, simply position your car so the tires remain on the sides of the pothole.
- Be cautious around puddles because they could be water-filled potholes.
- Never slam on the breaks. Rather, braking lightly decreases the risk of damage.
- Similarly, don’t swerve out of the way. You may hit another car or hit the pothole an angle that could possibly do more damage to your tires and wheel rims.
- If you see a pothole, reduce your speed.
- Ensure that your tires are properly inflated to reduce to risk of one of them popping against the edge of a pothole.
If you do hit a pothole, examine the damage when it’s safe to do so. If anything looks wrong, take your car to a trusted mechanic for a full inspection. You may experience an alignment issue if your car begins pulling to one side.
Additionally, make sure you have the right auto insurance policy to protect against various other forms of damage and weather concerns.
Get the coverage you need. Call Educators Insurance Agency at 888.908.6822 for more information on MA auto insurance.
LC 2016-176
Categories: Auto Insurance