Trick or Treating safety tips
From a child’s point of view, Halloween is one of the best holidays. For one night a year they get to transform into their favorite superhero, Disney princess or scary villain. On top of wearing cool costumes, kids get to stay up late and collect tons of candy from neighbors. Adults love seeing their children excited about trick or treating, but many parents also worry about how to stay safe on Halloween while out walking in dark neighborhoods. Educators Insurance Agency has put together this list of safety tips to help keep all the superheroes, princesses and villains safe this Halloween!
- Bring a Flashlight or Wear Reflective Material: Many streets will have street lights to aid your vision while walking through neighborhoods, but bringing a flashlight can help with driveways or walkways which may not be well lit. In addition, adults who wear something reflective will help make drivers aware of you and your group.
- Go Out in Pairs: Traveling in groups is always a good rule of thumb to follow on Halloween. Kids may be very familiar with their neighborhoods, but their sense of direction can be thrown off easily if they’re not used to walking the area at night. If your older child is going with a group of their friends, it can be useful to give them a cell phone so they can easily contact an adult if they become lost.
- Plan Costumes Ahead: Costumes are what make Halloween such a fun holiday, but it is important to plan ahead and try them on before the night arrives. This will allow time to make adjustments if your child’s costume is too long or they cannot see well due to a mask or costume accessory.
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