Will Home Insurance Pay to Remove a Tree from a Yard?
Storms are one of the most common causes of damage to a home. Even in a small windstorm, a tree limb can land on your home or fence and create thousands of dollars of damage.
In many situations, your home insurance is available to help cover these costs. However, not every situation offers the same level of coverage.
When Will Home Insurance Cover Fallen Trees?
Each home insurance policy is different. Most policies will offer some basic insurance protection. They usually cover any situation in which the damage was unpreventable and unavoidable. Here are a few key factors to keep in mind.
Home insurance generally covers your home and other structures listed on your policy against specific causes of loss. These losses are defined as perils.
The peril type is important. For example, if a tree falls due to wind (something unavoidable), it is most often covered. If the tree falls because of poor maintenance and care, it’s a different story. The insurance plan will likely not cover it.
Consider the condition of the tree prior to the loss. If the tree has missing limbs or a weak structure, you should have provided proper care of the tree. You might have avoided the damage from falling limbs.
Take a close look at your insurance policy to determine if your coverage is extensive enough. The right coverage will protect you from each type of risk you face.
Will Insurance Cover Tree Cleanup?
When a large tree falls, the cleanup costs can be high. A larger tree can require the use of a professional service to fully remove it and all of the debris.
Home insurance may cover some costs. It will likely cover the repairs to structures if it defines falling tree damage as a peril. It may also cover the cleanup of the tree including paying a professional to cut up and remove the debris.
However, the tree may fall in your yard and leave no damage to any structure. Then, your insurance coverage is not likely to cover cleanup. Keep in mind that some policies may offer this protection. Homeowners insurance rarely covers debris removal and cleanup when no damage occurs.
Taking care of the trees around your home is an important step in maintaining safety. Your home insurance can help when storms cause havoc. It is important to turn to your agent with questions about your specific policy. Many times, these policies offer coverage for removal of trees that damage your home.
Educators Insurance can help you find the appropriate home insurance for your property. You can explore our website for more information on coverage. Give us a call today at 888-908-6822 for more information.
Categories: Home Insurance